Four years ago, parents in Las Vegas approached Carolyn Sharette. They wanted to replicate the American Preparatory Academy in their home state. They formed a committee and worked hard to get a charter application approved. Once approved, they began searching for land in southwest Las Vegas. Once land was found at the UNLV Research and Technology Park on Sunset and Durango, financing had to be secured. Once financing was secured, building permits had to be approved. Now that the building permits have been approved and construction contracts have been signed, American Prep – Las Vegas was able to commence the project with an official groundbreaking. On Friday, December 19th at 4pm, we had very successful ground breaking ceremony at our new location. It was well attended by members of The Board, the County Commissioner, State Senator, numerous State Assemblyman, President of the SPCSA, as well as many parents and students. Saronidono A huge thank you to all that helped as well as to all the families that came out to support us.